Centralina Economic Development District (centralinaedd.org)customer logo
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Support individuals across the region with access to a prosperous and globally connected future
Population Demographics

Classification by age for the total population
Age Distribution

Population by Age


Source: Census

(Updated 03-21-2024)
Classification by race/ethnicity within the total population
Race Distribution

Population by Race


Source: Census

(Updated 02-06-2024)
Presents the trend in the change of the total population
Population Trend

Population Trend


Source: Census

(Updated 02-06-2024)
Reports the births, deaths, and net migration conditions for the total population
Births, Deaths, Net Migration

Births, Deaths and Net Migration


Source: Census

(Updated 02-06-2024)
The highest level of reported education completed by individuals
Educational Attainment

Population by Educational Attainment

Source: Lightcast

(Updated 02-06-2024)

Educational Attainment


Source: Census

(Updated 02-06-2024)
Shows the rank value for each county among all US counties, for adult obesity and smoking, alcohol-impaired driving deaths, low birthweight, mammography screening and physical inactivity related to the county population
Health Indicators

Health Indicators


Source: U.W. Madison

(Updated 07-17-2023)